Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sometimes you learn things the hard way!

Sometimes life hands you lemons and you have to make lemonade, Im currently waiting to buy some sugar so that I can get rid of this bitter taste!

I learned a huge lesson this year, the business world is cut throat and your boss is NOT your friend, no matter how close you are. I really cant believe how petty he is being and how much sense he is NOT making, How do you downsize someone and yet complain about their past years work and complain about having to pay them. If you're not happy with someone you cut them loose! Right? No some how he thinks moving them out of state and lead them on to beleive that they are an essential part of the company for a few weeks until you email them that they are not needed and you cut them down professionally. Seriously! I cant believe how petty a grown man can be, better buisness beauru Im a knockin, Im sure I can find plenty of labor laws violated by him! I mean you are supposed to actually pay your employees on time right? withholding funds for a month has to be illegal! oh well!

But Im not going to get down to his level IM GOING TO BE THE PROFESSIONAL ONE! I emailed him respectfully back and have no intention of ever speaking with him or using him as a refferal, no bridges burned! but it is now a lesson learned that I will always keep with me.

Best of luck in the buisness world hopefully you can pay your employees on time in the future! PEACE OUT PEOPLE!