Friday, April 24, 2009

Bad News Bears

Ever just have one of those weeks when you just feel like WOW the suck fest just keeps on coming? I should have known monday.... Death is always a good start to a week right? (Please read the sarcasm). Its hard to say good bye to someone when A.) they dont speak HUMAN and B.) your 1300 miles away. By that I mean our family dog Torrie Anne (AKA Mama's or Torrie Anner Bananer). Going home just isnt gonna be the same cause I dont get to see chewy run up to his BFF, or roll on the carpet hugging her and messing w/ her paws :( it was her time to go and I have to accept that I just wish I could have been there. I guess that started my downward spiral cause finding that out just made me mad cause I couldnt be there to tell her I LOVE YOU and spend her final moments w/ her like I have with ALL our pets. Not being there made me mad and who cares if its just a dog some people dont understand that pets are FAMILY! I dont care if you dont think they comprehend that but thats what I feel and I'm 100% positve that a few others agree.

Tuesday was a start of a new day and trying to put the past behind me I had to deal w/ incompetent people at the wonderful world of AIG. I hate when stupid people dont know how to do thier own jobs so they make you work 4X's at hard! This continued on most of the week and I let it get me. Youre never supposed to take work problems home and I do and I just love breaking the cardnial rule.

Most of the week I've just been dealing w/ my own inner demons, I dont know why because ONE person burned me in the past that now I have such lack of trust in men. They say if you accuse someone enough youre giving them permission to just go ahead and cheat because you already assume they are anyways. I was watching Maury during my lunch break and I see this couple who was married 10 years. The husband confessed he cheated 10 times. The idea of someone being unfaithful makes my stomach turn. How could a woman want to stay w/ a man like that. This is the part that gets me, she says its cause she loves him and he confesses to her "I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW" how can you love someone SO much and yet go behind thier back multiple times and CHEAT? HOW???? then come back and say I love you. I just dont get it. I've always thought if you want to cheat end it. I mean Is it a glory thing to see if you can get away with it? I dont get some people. So now I'm sitting here thinking to myself I never itially trust men because of things in my past or things that have happened to others and I know i've gone into more than one relationship this past year (well last year as well) just biting my lip and going for it blind. Saying "I TRUST YOU" knowing deep down i dont really trust anyone. How can anything ever work out W/Out trust? Is it really trust even if you cant forget the past?
Can I be blindly happy and be cheated on. I guess so, just makes me wonder if Im ever gonna know what true love is since I can never get past my own issues. Am I being fake when I say I LOVE YOU to someone who deep down I never really trusted just because he's a man?

Ah gotta love life and its strange lessons!

On a happy note the cubs are 7 - 4 hitting 3rd in Rank not bad for week 3!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Did that really JUST happen?

So its the day before Easter and all of our procrastinators i.e. ME decided to go out to walmart to buy eggs and dye. If you have ever been to walmart you know of the sea of cars you have to drive to just to find a spot. As I'm waiting I see someone up front leaving so I turn down the isle and proceed to get my spot. Low and behold Miss green explorer floors it and turns her blinker on. First of all um NO that's clearly my spot. Luckily I was able to not have it swiped and as I exit my car i see her curse at me from her rear view mirror. CLASSY! After this incident I proceed to walk to the store and then trip in front of a family walking out. The eldest son actually bursts out in laughter and says "I saw that" FML! seriously it would have to me to fall like that!. As I continue on into the store Miss Classy Mouth Mcgreenexplorer follows me in. I foresee her mouthing off or something because i took "her" spot but no I am NOT that clairvoyant she proceeds to ram me in the side w/ her cart. SERIOUSLY RAMMED her cart into my actual body and then smirks. Mr. Welcome to Walmart is just looking at me like "did that just actually happen" I was speechless all i have to say now is "thanks for the bruise fat whore!" I didn't do anything because I chose to be a better role model for her son yes people her son (lets say 5 - 7 years old) was with her during this act of aggression. I really hope he doesn't grow up w/ her same morals.
anyways Happy Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Welcome welcome wagon

its 2:45 am early Friday morning and it is 85 degrees in my APARTMENT! Awake once again on a warm Texas week! I just found this Blog website and decided that it was finally time for me start a real blog. There's just something about being 25 (26 looming closely) and blogging on Myspace that just screams GROW UP! ha ha So this is me Growing I guess.... don't really wanna give in to this whole Twitter phenomenon just yet... something about the word "tweeting" just nags at me. Anyways just wanted to post up for the first time. Hopefully I actually follow through and blog weekly! My diary seems very outdated and I don't know many people my age that actually write in a diary I need some kind of writing outlet!