Saturday, April 11, 2009

Did that really JUST happen?

So its the day before Easter and all of our procrastinators i.e. ME decided to go out to walmart to buy eggs and dye. If you have ever been to walmart you know of the sea of cars you have to drive to just to find a spot. As I'm waiting I see someone up front leaving so I turn down the isle and proceed to get my spot. Low and behold Miss green explorer floors it and turns her blinker on. First of all um NO that's clearly my spot. Luckily I was able to not have it swiped and as I exit my car i see her curse at me from her rear view mirror. CLASSY! After this incident I proceed to walk to the store and then trip in front of a family walking out. The eldest son actually bursts out in laughter and says "I saw that" FML! seriously it would have to me to fall like that!. As I continue on into the store Miss Classy Mouth Mcgreenexplorer follows me in. I foresee her mouthing off or something because i took "her" spot but no I am NOT that clairvoyant she proceeds to ram me in the side w/ her cart. SERIOUSLY RAMMED her cart into my actual body and then smirks. Mr. Welcome to Walmart is just looking at me like "did that just actually happen" I was speechless all i have to say now is "thanks for the bruise fat whore!" I didn't do anything because I chose to be a better role model for her son yes people her son (lets say 5 - 7 years old) was with her during this act of aggression. I really hope he doesn't grow up w/ her same morals.
anyways Happy Easter!

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