Friday, December 11, 2009

Clocks...tick tick tick

So as a women we all understand that at one point we will start hearing the whimsical Tick Tock Tick Tock of our body's biological clock. I never thought I would be 26 when I started to hear it, in a way. A heavy percentage of my friends are either married, engaged or parents. Since when did the 20's become the time to start your FAMILY life, I've always thought that the 20's was meant for learning lessons about life, work and finally becoming who you are meant to be. Apparently for me it is, lets see I'm 26 at home living off my parents, working part time at a barley entry level job. What happened? I was just on my own making a living and starting my life and now Im back at ground zero and in debt up to my eyeballs. When do I get to be carefree? I guess this is my chance to learn from my mistakes, my chance to start over and better myself in areas I may lack. Go back to school and try to get back to making it on my own! Hopefully by the time Im 30 I'll finally get that chance to START my life in a family of my own but no rush for now, as much as I may feel the push from my friends for that wedding bug or baby bug. Im not ready for that no way no how! I need to focus on school and career just hope I can get my mind straight. Im so jumbled from being depressed about where my life went and is at the current moment. I need to look at the things that I have: 1.) A roof over my head 2.) Friends and Family who support me and give me advice readily when I need it 3.) A Man who loves me despite ALL my downfalls! With every closed door god opens a window, This is my storm Im just waiting for the calm and the breeze of fresh air!

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