Tuesday, July 21, 2009

And I become another statistic....

So kiddies, I'm back home in good ole Cal-if-orn-I-A! Im pretty happy to be home def. alot less stressed at first. Let me tell ya folks, I got a great welcome home gift... a PINK SLIP! yep I got the axe. I cant believe it Laid Off! It was a complete mind-F_ _ K!!!!!!

Now I'm on the search for a new job and looking at the silver linning:

1.) No more dreading going to work for a boss who is snide and makes me feel bad about myself.
2.) No more freaking out about not being paid cause well A) till I find a job I wont be B) any new job will be WAY more reliable than this one
3.) Finding something Im passionate about. I want to have fun at work! :)

So the new chapter of my life begins.... and I'm alone... No not that kind of alone, Sheldon is back in texASS and I'm missing him. I cant believe how much I think about him throughout the day! I miss cuddling w/ someone at night! He met my family FINALLY and they all really liked him. Like I think my dad has a man crush on him.. they were really buddy buddy I suspect a bromance! haha

Hopefully my texas life will come out here and visit soon! Im starting to miss it, Im in kind of a funk right now! I think I just need a good night out w/ friends! :)

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