Monday, July 6, 2009

TIME! With time comes change!

TIME! for a new blog update!!!

So kiddo's Im no longer residing in the wonderful state of Texas, its offical Im a California girl once again. Its so nice to be back and Im LOVING the weather! My most wonderful boyfriend drove me out here 22.5 hours... (I drove all of THREE long hours! haha) Straight through it took 25.5 hours to drive all the way. NEVER AGAIN .... Im a flyer from now on!

Anyways will be shackin up w/ the roomates once again AKA the parents. Hopefully by Novemember I'll find out if Im moving to Orange County or Los Angeles and will joyfully be decorating my own place once again! Yay for being a grown up!

Sheldon is going to hopefully join me depends on if he finds a job or not, so hopefully this California economy throws me a bone and I can have my Mr. Fix it move out here with me... I wouldnt mind it I really want a male roommate anyways. HA!

I cant believe how fast this year has gone by and SO much has changed in a VERY short period of time.

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